Monday 4 June 2012

My Summer Plan of Attack

Well, here it is June and pretty much the kick-off to summer. I find most years I have so many plans for the summer and then inevitably don't end up pulling off even half of the things I had wanted to do. I thought maybe this year I would actually form them into a list in order to (hopefully!) better motivate myself to actually achieve them. So here's what I've got so far...

1) Go camping a minimum of three times (Realistically this likely translates into 3 weekends of camping, but the minimum for each trip should be 2 nights)

2) Hike Cape Split again when I am in Nova Scotia this summer

3) Reconnect with some people I haven't seen in a long time (I intend to pull this off at my high-school reunion later this month)

4) Go on a hot-air balloon ride

5) Create my own signature cocktail (Since I enjoy blended drinks this will likely be a nice summery affair)

6) Travel somewhere I have never been/can't remember ever having been

7) Host a summer cookout/fire/BBQ in the back yard

8) Go to an outdoor water park

9) Shoot a game of 9 holes of golf in under 45

10) Go on a "spontaneous" roadtrip, with no known destination or plan

 11) Go whale watching

12) Lose 5 pounds. Not die at the bootcamp my friend is making me start going to.

That's all I've got so far. I intend to keep adding at some point. I'll keep you posted with my progress (incidentally I came close to finishing #5 this evening, I feel I'll have it checked off in no time! You can tell where my priorities with this list lie...)


  1. Ooh, can we pretty please all go camping again this year? Last year was so great!!!
