Friday 6 April 2012

A Seinfield Kind of Post

May I present you a post about nothing. Well, I guess it's something really, just nothing of real importance. Really just a post to say I posted.

My car currently stinks. Last week I got into it on my way home from work and noticed that there was a very foul odour. If I had to liken it to something, I would say it is similar to the smell of a body decomposing. (I know some of you are now questioning why I know what a body decomposing actually smells like, in which case I urge you to remember what I do in my line of work and to use your imagination a bit. Keep in mind that sometimes in life things are too large to fit into a freezer. Anywho...)  Strangely, I did not notice the odour in question during my drive in to work that morning. Admittedly, my car is not very clean inside at the moment, but I dug around a bit and I did not find any sort of known source of the odour. I found a bunch of empty popcans, some receipts and a half-full can of Coke that was a couple days old, but certainly no body or anything that made me go "ahhhh, THAT's why it stinks...". I had bathed the dog earlier in the week and his blanket was sitting in the backseat, so maybe it's a terrible wet dog stink? So I took the blanket out but the smell still seems to linger. It seems it comes and goes from time to time, one day it was so bad I actually gagged when I got in. So anyway, I have been meaning to clean it out for about a week and a half now, but I just haven't seemed to have the time. Basically I did what any lazy person would do and I just went out and bought an air freshener, which has helped but I still get a whiff of stank every now and then. Then I remembered that the smell started the day of a rather large snowstorm we got, and I remembered also that I've always been told that sometimes critters like to crawl up under your hood to take advantage of the heat from the cooling engine. I've been meaning to check under the hood of my car to see if there's something dead under there, but at the same time I am too fearful to look in case there actually is. Tomorrow I plan to actually clean the whole thing out, so I'll keep you posted as to what I find. I know you'll be on the edge of your seat until then.

So now you all know the extent of my laziness, I am content to drive around in a stanky car for almost 2 weeks rather than take the time to clean it. Also, for those of you who see me in my day-to-day life, if I have been particularly stinky in the last 2 weeks you will know why.

Also, a while ago I knocked over the half-can of Coke into my cup holder. I am not looking forward to cleaning up that sticky mess. Luckily the large wad of receipts that was in there seems to have absorbed much of it. You thought I was a slob but really it turns out I'm just quite resourceful.

Oh yeah, I failed at quitting drinking Coke. It's just too damn tasty.

Anyone need me to drive them anywhere?

1 comment:

  1. Update: No bodies and no rotting food was found. Now all the car smells like is Armour-all and Febreeze.
