Wednesday 28 September 2011

Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend

Sorry Marilyn, but I just don't get it.

As many of you probably don't know, September 22nd was the anniversary of the day we got engaged (if my math is right it was 3 years ago?). This, coupled with the fact that a few people I know have recently gotten engaged themselves, has made me think of diamonds a lot recently. More specifically, what is the big deal about diamonds? Why is society so gaga about them?

It's not like they are the rarest stone. In fact, far from it. Ever hear of the Painite? Or the Benitoite? Probably not, as these are actual rare stones. Although I get that when proposing your undying love to your betrothed, a gemstone with the word "pain" in it is maybe not the most romantic choice.

It's not like they are the prettiest stone either. I mean typically, unless you're totally rich and thus likely not reading this blog, your diamond is probably not completely colorless but something close to it. To get an actual colored diamond will cost you even more coin. Personally I have always thought of amethyst or topaz as being far more "pretty". And if the actual shine is your thing, well a cubic zirconia tends to sparkle just as much as (and actually has more flare than) the real thing at a fraction of the cost.

So why is it that the diamond is so highly valued? Truthfully I think it is because commercials have told us so. From the time I was a little girl I can remember the bombardment of diamond commercials that came along every holiday season. As if, if you didn't run out and buy her a huge sparkler, your wife was going to storm out on you and find some more brainwashed clued-in man to marry. Or if you bought a CZ engagement ring and your fiancee found out, well let's just say there isn't going to be a wedding. (I apologize right now for the fact that I don't know how to make the french e in fiancee on this blog, it irritates me in a way I can't even begin to explain)

Am I alone here? Is there some significance to the diamond that I am missing? Don't get me wrong, my husband bought me a diamond engagement ring, and I do quite enjoy it. I also opted for a wedding band with diamonds to complement it. So I am just as much part of the cliche (french e!) as anyone else. The difference here is that he wisely picked out a classic solitaire for me, rather than the "hey! Look at me! Look at meeeee!" rings that seem to be getting mass produced these days. I am so thankful for that. My biggest beef with the diamond engagement ring is that more and more these days it seems the attention is less on the actual engagement and more on the ring. Some girls seem less interested in the characteristics of their future husband than they are about the total caret weight of the ring. I'm all for wanting to take a peek at your new piece of jewelery for the first time, but that's about it. Maybe it's because I am missing that "girly-girl" gene that my interest in it doesn't really go a whole lot farther than that.

As for something diamond related that I can REALLY get excited about? Check out My husband rolls his eyes every time I tell him when I die I want to be turned into a diamond, but I think it is so cool. I mean come on, what's better than little Jenna finding out that that pretty little ring that was passed down to her is actually her dead great-grandmother? Awesome! In true diamond-confused form, I want to be a blue one. I assure you that I am not joking with this one, I am considering having it actually written into my will. Oh, and I should point out that I expect to be worn every day, none of this hiding in the back of the jewelry box bit. 

And if you're still craving diamonds? I encourage you to check out They're a great ethical and environmentally responsible jewelry company. Their diamonds are Canadian and conflict-free (no blood on these diamonds!), their bands are made with recycled gold and platinum, and a portion of all sales are donated to Africa. And I assure you they're legit, this is where my engagement ring came from and just one more reason why I love my husband.

As for me, I do appreciate every diamond I own, but mostly because every one came from my husband. But babe, when you want to buy me some sparkly earrings next (hint hint!) feel free to make them zirconia.


  1. in order to become a great great grandmothe you must first become a great grandmother, a grandmother but very first you must become a mother

  2. You want to be turned into a diamond? That is messed up. Not surprising though, coming from an ANIMAL KILLER!!

  3. Oh Alex, remember I also know how to castrate ;)
    (only you can get away with such a ridiculous comment)
