Tuesday 20 September 2011

The Beginning

So, I now have a blog. Truth be told I have thought for a long time that there should be a place I can just go and ramble to my heart's content, as I have been told that my long-winded emails to friends can sometimes be intimidating (sorry Alex!). Like I said, I have been contemplating a blog for quite some time but assumed that nobody would really be that interested in hearing what I have to say. Now, that may well still be the case, but since a couple of friends have recently started their own blogs, it feels like now is the time...

Let me begin by telling you all that I really have no idea what the main theme of my blog will be about. Actually, I have a pretty good idea that most posts will just be about what random thing pops into my head that day. I've called my blog East Meets West (And added the Amanda Style because someone has already claimed East Meets West apparently) because, after some contemplation, I think this is what has defined me most in my life so far. I was raised in small-town Nova Scotia by my two parents. This is what has taught me my values, my beliefs, and I think formed my generally laid-back nature. When I was just coming into my early twenties I made a decision to move out west to Alberta and never realized how much it would change me. Really, I never thought I would stay out here permanently (and a large part of me still aches for the east coast every day). I wouldn't say it has changed me into a better or worse person, just that there has been a definite change that even I grasp to understand on a regular basis. I still have my small-town values and I still long for true peace and quiet sometimes, but there is now a part of me that does enjoy the pulse of the city and the fact that any kind of food or service is closely available to me. I do credit Alberta for the road-rage and general short-temperedness I have seem to have acquired, but also for giving me the man I love more than my own life. It's a love-hate relationship I guess (between me and Alberta, not between me and my husband!). Anyway, that is where the title of the blog comes in, and now that it has been mentioned once it will likely not be ever mentioned again.

You'll find in my blogs I will make up my own words to describe things, I may not always keep on my train of thought, and there may well be run-on sentences here and there. I will, however, promise you that I will always try to use the proper there/they're/their combos and such though, because man that shit gets annoying. I hope that I can at least produce something that's enjoyable for other people to read, but even if you're (not your!) bored to tears know that I intend to keep blathering away. The choice to stop reading or give me a chance to give you something thought-provoking is yours.


PS> I hate that my first blog post is so boring and generic. Next time I will try harder, I promise. I am already debating putting in a second post for today with the topic I really wanted to write about.

1 comment:

  1. Do it!! Second post!
    (Also, I did NOT find this boring or generic at all)
