Saturday 26 January 2013

Random Thoughts

A few random things:

It's resolution time again my friends! You know, that time of year when you come up with all of these grand new plans on how you're going to better yourself, help society, and live life to the fullest. That time of year that is so full of optimism until, a month from now, we realize how much effort this is all going to require and we slowly just fade back into our lazy routines. I really wasn't planning on coming up with a New Years resolution this time around, in fact I had read something on a friend's Facebook about how their resolution was to NOT make a resolution and just to seize the opportunities to better themselves as they arise through the year. I liked that idea, but then was thinking that, knowing me, I would probably see the opportunity, get intrigued, and then procrastinate and let the moment pass me by. So here's my New Year's resolution (and I realize it's kind of vague): To Procrastinate Less. This means that, ideally, I will fold and put away my clothes right away rather than just pulling them out of the basket as I need them. If I realize I still need to pay the bills I do them at that moment rather than doing them at the last minute. I say ideally, because it's the end of January now and I am already starting to slip. But I'm trying!

I am also working hard at learning the fiddle. It's something important to me so I am doing much better at sticking with it. The fiddle has a special place in my heart, not only because it reminds me of my Nova Scotia roots, but also because my grandfather used to play. It's actually one of the main things I remember about him, and I've always wanted to learn. My mom says I am learning almost all the same songs in the same order as he did, which is a nice reminder that everyone has to start out with "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" before they're ever going to be playing jigs and reels.. Sometimes when I'm practicing and having a really good day, I like to think it's because he's somehow guiding me, telling me where to put my fingers and exactly how to move the bow. Other days I am a hopeless pile of squeaks and squeals that I would never blame on anyone but myself. I feel like it's coming along tho, but I need some practice playing in front of other people without getting stage fright.

The main reason I haven't been blogging lately is that I have been absorbed in enjoying my life at the moment. Enjoying the quiet moments and time to relax before life takes a turn for the crazy again. I have a pretty awesome life right now and I want to take the time to be thankful and absorb it. I feel like I am finally living the adult life that we look forward to when we are in middle school and can't wait to graduate. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't easy getting here. It started out with working hard in highschool. It took years of working crappy jobs, including working 20+ hours per week while still balancing a full university course load. It took pinching pennies to get the rent paid, sacrificing dreams of touring Europe and Egypt, and many years of taking public transit instead of a car. After so many years of wondering if I would ever get here, I want to make sure I don't let this golden time slip by unnoticed. 

So that's about it. I hope everyone else is enjoying life as much as I am right now. And if you're not, then it's a new year: make the changes you need to put you on your desired path. Work hard and you're bound to get there eventually. It won't always be easy, but I think that's a good way to make us appretiate our accomplishments. 

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